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From High School Sweethearts to a Couple!

When 2020 threw a curve ball at Alexis and David Bonagura, it didn’t stop them from changing their venue locations to have the ceremony at the Brownstone in Paterson, NJ and then turning their front lawn into an upscale extravagant wedding reception venue. What was even more surprising to me is that they remembered me from back in high school with being that guy with a photography passion and camera.

Alexis and David met while being classmates at Ramapo High School and since then they have gone through a lot together and now have officially tied the knot to be husband and wife. I first met Alexis back during my time with the marching band and David while attending all of the high school football games. What I remember most fondly is watching David kick a 49 yard field goal to win the state championship football game hosted at Kean University many years ago.

Ever since then, their relationship has grown and it’s really heartwarming to see some old high school friends celebrate their marriage and the rest of their lives together. I really could not be more happy for this couple and I absolutely cannot wait to see what other awesome life events they will go through together.

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